Turkey Trot

Well Alexander did something remarkable yesterday. Those of you that know him well know that although he has MANY outstanding personality features.. His unfortunate tendency to crumple when the going gets tough and whine about it is one we have been working on with him.

Well earlier this week he announced that he wanted to run in the Annual "Turkey Trot" which is Troy's Thanksgiving Day Marathon. Now because this is a family event there are quite a few distances people can run. Alexander participated in the Grade School Trot which was One Mile. He did it in just over 10 min. Not bad for a 9 yr old, as his dear old dad's best mile time was 7:47 in HS.

Oh and it was like 20 degrees yesterday AM.

So big kudo's to Alexander for this! I have reinforced just how impressed I was on numerous occasions yesterday.


We spend Turkey Day every year at the home of Liza's Aunt Sue and Uncle Ed. Don't create a mental image of a "Grand Aunt" here, Sue and Ed are 8 and 10 yrs older than me respectively as Sue is 13 yrs younger than Liza's Mom. Ed is the oldest of 8 (give or take one) and Thanksgiving is the Annual Farrell reuinion. We are blessed to be able to attend this on an annual basis ourselves as Ed's entire family is very interesting and great to talk to. Watching all the kids grow up is fun too as we see them exactly once a year so it is not difficult to notice!

Hope you all had a great Turkey day as well.

Love to all



The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoyes several times the same good things for the first time.

-- Friedrich Nietzsche


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