Well the Mom visit went of wonderfully. We had a great time. Picked her up from the Airport on Saturday and it was off for a pleasant 2 hr drive to NH to meet with her cousins (well mine too of course) an older, well off and very well educated couple who live in a beautiful part of South West NH. The view from their house was breath taking and Alex even learned to drive their golf cart they use to get around the property for gardening. I took lots of pictures of the gardens which I understand have been written up in just about every gardening magazine and are included in any gardening tour of the area. Actually both are Master Gardeners and studied the craft for a time in England.

The drive back was equally enjoyable as MW and I discussed my essay (archived) on my call for the removal of Saddam Hussein. We agreed that he needs to be removed and agreed that it needs to be a multilateral effort. I think this was missed in my essay on this subject and I do firmly believe that America going off half cocked invading Iraq with no Allied support except Israel is deeply stupid.

On the other hand as GWB is about to loose both houses perhaps this is a last gasp effort to wag the tail of the dog, or even more insidiously calculating to win enough of the traditional Jewish vote away from the Democrats to not loose both houses. GWB plays a very dangerous game and risks destabilizing the entire region if he does this wrong. If he does this right then I think it will be one of his better achievements.

I digress.

Saturday dinner was wonderful and we had a relaxing evening. Today she went off back to the Left Coast at 5:30 after a lovely lunch out and a leisurely morning.

Next up.. Alex's birthday party tomorrow! Pool Party!! Cake!! Ice Cream!! Lots of kids!!!! Hand me the advil NOW!

In my Quote of the Day e-mail I get from Topica my old friend Will Durst was quoted. Now I know he has really made it. See brother Greg ages ago worked for Walden Books in SF. The head of the Comedy Underground, an Improv group in SF was the Manager. So I was already going to see the Comedy Underground before this but it gave us an "in" and I got to know Will and Debbie Durst before Will got big. Trust me Debbie was actually funnier than Will and that is saying something as Will slays me.

So it is nice to see the gang moving up in the world.

I'm blatantly stealing an idea from my friend "McSnarkster" here. Well I guess it's not stealing if I credit the idea?

Reading: The Ender saga: Vol 4: Children of the Mind. (small essay in near future over this series).

Listening: Magma's 30th Anniversary performance of their Trilogy Theusz Hamtaahk, Wurdah Itah and Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh.


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