Well thats done!
Finished the BSA training last night. Whew. The head of training for the district forgot to include me at the end due to a paperwork snarl for that one shot Monday class so I had to wave about my three cards showing I had finished al three courses.
In the mean time I have gotten some great stuff on e-Bay: a First Edition Boy Scout Manual (1927), some 50's era Scoutmaster Handbooks and Scout Handbook, and found the 70's edition Scout Handbook that I used to have as a scout.
By back reading this stuff I hope to bring more to the table as an ASM
So on to the next step, integrating into the Troop before the WeBeLo's Year 2 kids come on board in the winter.
And the outside possiblity of something OKPIK (say Awk-Pick) which is winter camping training in January. 3 and 4th.. pretty near New Years Eve... hard to miss those bowl games. Well we shall see.
Read below if you are staying up to date on the blog, I'm back blogging this am (Saturday) as I've been so busy....
Finished the BSA training last night. Whew. The head of training for the district forgot to include me at the end due to a paperwork snarl for that one shot Monday class so I had to wave about my three cards showing I had finished al three courses.
In the mean time I have gotten some great stuff on e-Bay: a First Edition Boy Scout Manual (1927), some 50's era Scoutmaster Handbooks and Scout Handbook, and found the 70's edition Scout Handbook that I used to have as a scout.
By back reading this stuff I hope to bring more to the table as an ASM
So on to the next step, integrating into the Troop before the WeBeLo's Year 2 kids come on board in the winter.
And the outside possiblity of something OKPIK (say Awk-Pick) which is winter camping training in January. 3 and 4th.. pretty near New Years Eve... hard to miss those bowl games. Well we shall see.
Read below if you are staying up to date on the blog, I'm back blogging this am (Saturday) as I've been so busy....